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Join or Renew Your Membership
in the WB Yeats Society of NY
Effective January 1, 2024, we have reinstituted our regular membership rates. During 2023, we had a special pandemic rate that no longer applies.
You can also make a contribution to the Society in addition to your membership. T
Thank you for supporting the legacy of William Butler Yeats and the Irish history and traditions, which he so nobly represented, and which continue to inspire generations of readers and writers worldwide.
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How to Join, Renew, Donate
See righthand column for instructions. We will be automating the membership process in the months ahead. Your patience is appreciated.
Whether you join or donate, we will keep you on our postal and email lists as part of our community.
​There is a dress code for events at the National Arts Club, our homa, which is east of Park Avenue South and 20th Street, across from the south end of the charming (private) Gramercy Park, which is open to the public once yearly on Christmas Eve.

If you can't become a member of the Society at this time, email us via the Contact page on this site, and request that we add you to our mailing list for periodic announcements.
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To Get Started, Copy and Mail
this form to the following address along with a check made payable to “WB Yeats Society of NY"
WB Yeats Society of NY
National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South
New York, NY 10003
Your Address Information:
Name: ________________________________
Street: ________________________________
Apt/Suite: _____________________________
City, State, Zip Code: ____________________
Home Phone: __________________________
Mobile Phone: __________________________
E-mail Address: _________________________
Membership Levels (Enter How Many)
___$15 Student
___$30 Basic
___$40* Special
___$50* Contributing
___$75* Patron
___$100+* Order of Golden Dawn Annual
___$1,000* Order of Golden Dawn Lifetime
*Includes $20 in prepaid admissions for the year.
Voluntary Contribution
We provide tax receipts for amounts over $25.
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED for Membership(s) and/or Contribution(s)
___Check Here to Receive Information, as it becomes available, on the Yeats Summer School in Ireland.
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