M.L. Rosenthal Award

The M.L. Rosenthal Award for achievement in Yeats studies, originally called the “Golden Apple Award,” was given first to M.L. Rosenthal (inset), the prominent critic, poet and academic associated with New York University. He died in 1996. His New York Times obituary says, “Mr. Rosenthal brought a sharp eye and an independent mind to the study of contemporary poetry,” noting that as founder and first director of the NYU Poetics Institute, he focused on "the pressures and processes shaping a poem." Among his books of criticism is Running to Paradise: Yeats's Poetic Art. After his death, the award was renamed in his honor, and later recipients voted to call themselves Rosenthal Fellows. The first recipients were selected by the society’s board. Currently, Rosenthal Fellows nominate and select recipients.
Awards for 2020-2022 have been postponed because of the pandemic, which prevented the Rosenthal Fellows from meeting to determine their choices for these years.
9 – Jahan Ramazani 2
2019 – Jahan Ramazani
2017 – James Pethica
2018 – William H. O’Donnell
2017 – James Pethica
2015 – J.C.C. Mays
2014 – Colin Smythe
2013 – Jared Curtis
2011 – Meg Harper
2010 – Warwick Gould and Deirdre Toomey
2009 – Terrence Brown
2007 – John Kelly
2006 – Ronald Schuchard
2005 – George Mills Harper and David R. Clark
2004 – Stephen Maxfield Parrish
2003 – Roy Foster
2002 – Jon Stallworthy
2001 – Ann Saddlemyer
2000 – George Bornstein
1999 – Helen Vendler
1998 – Elizabeth Butler Cullingford
1995 – Denis Donoghue
1994 – Richard Finneran
1993 – M.L. Rosenthal