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About Us

See the Awards Page on this site for details and for a link to the platform we use to handle submissions.
​WB Yeats Society of NY
To act as an educational forum, primarily through lectures and events, for exchanging information about William Butler Yeats, his legacy and literary work, and people, places, events, and ideas that shaped his life and work. ​
To stimulate awareness of and interest in WB Yeats's life and work.
To provide information about Yeats events and organizations, particularly the Yeats International Summer School in Ireland and its sponsor, the Sligo-based Yeats Society, and other Yeats societies that, like ours, grew out of the summer school and Sligo society.​​​​
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W. B.Yeats: Who Was He, What Did He Write, Why Is He So Important?​
To learn more about our namesake, there are numerous online sources as well as your local library. Wikipedia and Britannica each have short, well-documented biographical summaries. There are also two important full-scale biographies:
RF Foster's Two Volumes are the Most Authoritative:
W.B. Yeats a Life: The Apprentice Mage 1865-1914, Foster, R. F.: ISBN 10: 0192117351 / ISBN 13: 9780192117359 Published by Oxford University Press., 1997.
W. B. Yeats: A Life, Volume II: The Arch-Poet 1915-1939 Foster, R. F. ISBN 10: 0192806092 / ISBN 13: 9780192806093 Published by Oxford University Press, 2005.
Other Biography:
The Life of W.B. Yeats - A Critical Biography Brown, Terence ISBN 10: 0717129136 / ISBN 13: 9780717129133 Published by Gill & Macmillan, Dublin, 1999.
​​Yeats's Poems, Plays and Essays
Virtually all of Yeats's original poems, plays and prose pieces are now free from the Gutenberg Project because they're in the public domain:
Books: William Butler Yeats (sorted by popularity) - Project Gutenberg
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Executive Board
Andrew McGowan, President
​Alison Armstrong, Ph.D.
​Don Bates
Emily Dunlap
​Kate Gill
Doris Marie Meyer
Maureen O. Murphy, Ph.D.
Eddie Vega
John J. Casey, Ph.D.
Carolyn McGuire, Ph.D.
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